Wheat Inoculant

Micro-AZ, our microbiological root stimulant for wheat production, increases root mass and improves stand development.

We have proof. The backbone of our wheat inoculant products is microbial effectiveness. Using our proprietary formulation of the bacteria Azospirillum, which is one of the microbes, university testing has shown an increased wheat yield. Conclusions include:

  • Micro-AZ has also been tested in multi-year, farmer-managed field tests, showing a consistent 5 to 10 bushel per acre yield increase. In spring field testing, Micro-AZ improved stand and plant account by 40% to 80%, resulting in an average yield increase of 5 bushels per acre.
  • Additionally, protein levels in Hard Red Spring wheat were improved by an average of 1%.
  • Detailed field results about our crop inoculants are available upon request.

Learn how Micro-AZ wheat inoculant can increase your crop’s root mass and improve stand development here. Call us at (952) 657-5592 or email us today.