Corn Inoculants

Science is our backbone.

University research has identified that numerous micoorganisms can do everything from controlling insects to stimulating plant growth.

Scientifically Proven Corn Soil Inoculant ProductsHowever, relatively few microorganisms have been implemented into reliable and functional products for the market. Additionally, the cost of final product, storage, inconsistent performance and shelf life are key factors that contribute to the lack of commercialization of these organisms.

The lack of accessibility and functionality is what led the experts at TerraMax to develop an Azospirillum corn inoculant. Our company has been able to extend the shelf life of our Azospirillum product, allowing for an average shelf life of 18 to 24 months.

Available in both powder planter box treatments and liquid form, the extended shelf life of our corn inoculant has enhanced plant growth in corn — and we have the scientific research to prove it.